I love to bake, cook and try all kinds of recipes.
Sometimes (a lot of times ?) I have an abundance of what I’ve made, so we bless others.
Recently my husband told me; “Since you’re not working, you have to start selling what you’ve made so you can buy the ingredients for what you love to do”.
What! This doesn’t sound like my husband. A test on our faith, that’s for sure.
I am not a sales lady! That is not my gift. How was I going to be obedient to my husband, and still be able to buy the ingredients for what I love to do?
I prayed and gave it to God.
The next week I got an email from a local grocery store. I had entered my name in their drawing, and they were notifying me I was the last winner of their contest. The prize; gift cards to their grocery store.
Thank You Jesus for provision, I can continue baking, cooking, and sharing for quite some time.
As I thought of what God has done for us, these Scriptures came to my remembrance:
As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. 1 Pet. 4:10
… If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen. 1 Pet. 4:11
-Jozanne Ching
Sometimes (a lot of times ?) I have an abundance of what I’ve made, so we bless others.
Recently my husband told me; “Since you’re not working, you have to start selling what you’ve made so you can buy the ingredients for what you love to do”.
What! This doesn’t sound like my husband. A test on our faith, that’s for sure.
I am not a sales lady! That is not my gift. How was I going to be obedient to my husband, and still be able to buy the ingredients for what I love to do?
I prayed and gave it to God.
The next week I got an email from a local grocery store. I had entered my name in their drawing, and they were notifying me I was the last winner of their contest. The prize; gift cards to their grocery store.
Thank You Jesus for provision, I can continue baking, cooking, and sharing for quite some time.
As I thought of what God has done for us, these Scriptures came to my remembrance:
As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. 1 Pet. 4:10
… If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen. 1 Pet. 4:11
-Jozanne Ching
From Dawn Koehler
My word of testimony is LEGACY.
Stefan and I committed our lives to the Lord when Malie was in 3rd grade.
I have annual school pictures that clearly show the difference in her life from before and after our life change.
Many times I've regretted her waiting so long in her life to have God in our home.
God is so good and she is now raising our grandson IN THE LORD from the very beginning.
This brings me so much joy
The Passion Translation says it perfectly for me......
It is the greatest joy of my life to hear that my children are consistently living their lives in the ways of truth!
My word of testimony is LEGACY.
Stefan and I committed our lives to the Lord when Malie was in 3rd grade.
I have annual school pictures that clearly show the difference in her life from before and after our life change.
Many times I've regretted her waiting so long in her life to have God in our home.
God is so good and she is now raising our grandson IN THE LORD from the very beginning.
This brings me so much joy
The Passion Translation says it perfectly for me......
It is the greatest joy of my life to hear that my children are consistently living their lives in the ways of truth!
From Mary Sulliban
Aloha My Family,
I was watching our church service live streamed on Mother’s Day and during Praise and Worship we were singing a song talking about the beauty of God. I was singing aloud, “You’re beautiful, you’re beautiful oh Lord, the beauty of your Holiness is incomparable, Lord have your way, have your way in me today, the mountains Lord, display your majesty the oceans teeming with their life are in comparable.”
I sensed the presence of God right then and a thought come to mind of how much my Mom loved and appreciated flowers in Hawaii, it was then the Holy Spirit gave me a picture of an area where I was going to be scattering Mom’s ashes. I had no thought of scattering her ashes in that moment of time, I actually was very surprised and I believe the Holy Spirit was leading me and guiding me towards healing my emotions.
Yes, I was worshiping God, thinking about the words I was singing to Him, “have your way in me,” and the Holy Spirit showed me what God had planned for me, and that if I trusted in Him I would be complete in Him.
In previous years Mother’s Day was a sore spot for me because I was unable to have children. I allowed God to heal my heart and I was able to be thankful for Mother’s Day. He turned a bitter day into one of Joy, as well as showed His love and compassion towards me. Celebrating my Mom’s life on Mother’s Day replaces that sore spot of never being a mother. From today forward I will treasure Mother’s Day because God met me right where I was at and showered His love on me and I could hear Mom saying, “What a good God we serve!”
Thank you for letting me share this with you. My journey is but a moment in time, but will last a lifetime.
Aloha My Family,
I was watching our church service live streamed on Mother’s Day and during Praise and Worship we were singing a song talking about the beauty of God. I was singing aloud, “You’re beautiful, you’re beautiful oh Lord, the beauty of your Holiness is incomparable, Lord have your way, have your way in me today, the mountains Lord, display your majesty the oceans teeming with their life are in comparable.”
I sensed the presence of God right then and a thought come to mind of how much my Mom loved and appreciated flowers in Hawaii, it was then the Holy Spirit gave me a picture of an area where I was going to be scattering Mom’s ashes. I had no thought of scattering her ashes in that moment of time, I actually was very surprised and I believe the Holy Spirit was leading me and guiding me towards healing my emotions.
Yes, I was worshiping God, thinking about the words I was singing to Him, “have your way in me,” and the Holy Spirit showed me what God had planned for me, and that if I trusted in Him I would be complete in Him.
In previous years Mother’s Day was a sore spot for me because I was unable to have children. I allowed God to heal my heart and I was able to be thankful for Mother’s Day. He turned a bitter day into one of Joy, as well as showed His love and compassion towards me. Celebrating my Mom’s life on Mother’s Day replaces that sore spot of never being a mother. From today forward I will treasure Mother’s Day because God met me right where I was at and showered His love on me and I could hear Mom saying, “What a good God we serve!”
Thank you for letting me share this with you. My journey is but a moment in time, but will last a lifetime.
The Year of Miracles 2020-2021
In many ways this has been a challenging year, but for me it was a year of miracles.
Small ones you might think, but the Bible talks about Jesus healing Peter’s mother-in-law from a mild illness as well as raising a widow’s son from the dead. So all miracles are important to God!
Miracle #1 began in July 2020 when my Seattle kids asked if I could come and care for my grandson while my daughter-in-law traveled to Michigan to care for her dying mom. This was at the height of covid-fear, but God gave me great peace as this was simply something He needed me to do. I praise Him for His protection and for the opportunity to minister His love to my family, especially 6-year-old Crosby.
In September of 2020, I had my tonsils out. That was rough! But two weeks later, I was at Women’s Camp, and two weeks after that, I was back singing on Worship Team. I call that a miracle!
The tonsillectomy biopsy showed lymphoma, so I began a medication to prevent bad cells from replicating. After three months my numbers dropped from 40 to 12 (almost normal). All glory to God! Now, a year later, I am going on a dose half as strong and am enjoying curly hair as a fun side effect! I look forward to not needing any medication soon.
In January 2021 it was determined I needed surgery to remove my gall bladder. Praise God all went well and my body is functioning quite well without it! (Miracle #3)
Another miracle was an increase in my faith. In February this year I felt the weightiness of God during Sunday morning worship and a distinct message from the Lord that I should attend my nephew’s wedding in Washington, DC in April. It seemed strange to me, as it was so far to travel alone and the pandemic was still in full swing, but the following week I heard the Holy Spirit again, “Go!” He confirmed it to me in His Word during the Sowing & Reaping class: Genesis 46:3-4 “I am God...Do not be afraid to go...I will go with you and I will surely bring you back again.”
God worked out all the details, and I did go and had a blessed family time. It was an honor to represent Jesus there as the only aunt in attendance for my only nephew. (Miracle #4)
So, praise be to God my Healer, my Protector, my Guide, my good and gracious Father—the Miracle Worker!
-Maurine Butterworth
In many ways this has been a challenging year, but for me it was a year of miracles.
Small ones you might think, but the Bible talks about Jesus healing Peter’s mother-in-law from a mild illness as well as raising a widow’s son from the dead. So all miracles are important to God!
Miracle #1 began in July 2020 when my Seattle kids asked if I could come and care for my grandson while my daughter-in-law traveled to Michigan to care for her dying mom. This was at the height of covid-fear, but God gave me great peace as this was simply something He needed me to do. I praise Him for His protection and for the opportunity to minister His love to my family, especially 6-year-old Crosby.
In September of 2020, I had my tonsils out. That was rough! But two weeks later, I was at Women’s Camp, and two weeks after that, I was back singing on Worship Team. I call that a miracle!
The tonsillectomy biopsy showed lymphoma, so I began a medication to prevent bad cells from replicating. After three months my numbers dropped from 40 to 12 (almost normal). All glory to God! Now, a year later, I am going on a dose half as strong and am enjoying curly hair as a fun side effect! I look forward to not needing any medication soon.
In January 2021 it was determined I needed surgery to remove my gall bladder. Praise God all went well and my body is functioning quite well without it! (Miracle #3)
Another miracle was an increase in my faith. In February this year I felt the weightiness of God during Sunday morning worship and a distinct message from the Lord that I should attend my nephew’s wedding in Washington, DC in April. It seemed strange to me, as it was so far to travel alone and the pandemic was still in full swing, but the following week I heard the Holy Spirit again, “Go!” He confirmed it to me in His Word during the Sowing & Reaping class: Genesis 46:3-4 “I am God...Do not be afraid to go...I will go with you and I will surely bring you back again.”
God worked out all the details, and I did go and had a blessed family time. It was an honor to represent Jesus there as the only aunt in attendance for my only nephew. (Miracle #4)
So, praise be to God my Healer, my Protector, my Guide, my good and gracious Father—the Miracle Worker!
-Maurine Butterworth
Aloha Ohana,
Not sure what year it was originally, but Nick and I had made a commitment to the building fund through a capital campaign agreement.
We have been leaders in the church for a long time and we have been tithers since getting saved. We believe in tither rights as PT has preached.
When Nick and I originally prayed on what our commitment would be and why we were committing at all we agreed to because we believe in the call on our church body.
Additionally, it was an outward sign for us to be committed to living free from debt.
We have made bad choices in our finances, gotten into living outside our means...for most of our marriage.
Our capital campaign commitment was big for us. It was tied to the debt we had at the time. Not counting our mortgage.
And just like everything, we made the commitment and everything hit the fan...cars broke, appliances broke...you know the story. Make a commitment to God, publicly proclaim it...then buckle up baby, the enemy comes at you.
It has been a process, we have slowly but steadily worked to pay off our debt and commitment to God.
Today, we paid the last payment to payoff our commitment to capital campaign!
And we have our mortgage left to pay off...our other debts are paid.
God is faithful. He is worth being faithful to.
All our vehicles are old, we are praying over them continually as we are not yet in a position to purchase anything at the moment.
We really want to do so by not getting into debt. God will honor this, and we are working to that goal.
We have begun a plan to get our mortgage paid off swiftly as well. Really excited for that to happen! Thank you Jesus for God ideas and abilities to make what looks impossible, possible!
Staying steadfast in him and the call on our lives.
Praise Him!
The Sokach's
Not sure what year it was originally, but Nick and I had made a commitment to the building fund through a capital campaign agreement.
We have been leaders in the church for a long time and we have been tithers since getting saved. We believe in tither rights as PT has preached.
When Nick and I originally prayed on what our commitment would be and why we were committing at all we agreed to because we believe in the call on our church body.
Additionally, it was an outward sign for us to be committed to living free from debt.
We have made bad choices in our finances, gotten into living outside our means...for most of our marriage.
Our capital campaign commitment was big for us. It was tied to the debt we had at the time. Not counting our mortgage.
And just like everything, we made the commitment and everything hit the fan...cars broke, appliances broke...you know the story. Make a commitment to God, publicly proclaim it...then buckle up baby, the enemy comes at you.
It has been a process, we have slowly but steadily worked to pay off our debt and commitment to God.
Today, we paid the last payment to payoff our commitment to capital campaign!
And we have our mortgage left to pay off...our other debts are paid.
God is faithful. He is worth being faithful to.
All our vehicles are old, we are praying over them continually as we are not yet in a position to purchase anything at the moment.
We really want to do so by not getting into debt. God will honor this, and we are working to that goal.
We have begun a plan to get our mortgage paid off swiftly as well. Really excited for that to happen! Thank you Jesus for God ideas and abilities to make what looks impossible, possible!
Staying steadfast in him and the call on our lives.
Praise Him!
The Sokach's
The LORD IS GOOD AND VERY GOOD! Glory HALLELUJAH! GOD's praises are forever in my mouth! We have the victory!
-Linda Izumi
-Linda Izumi
Early one morning we left the house at 4:30am to view the lava flow. That morning I saw 3 undeniable characteristics of the Lord. His mercy in that not a single home was destroyed. The flow occurring in the best possible direction. His majesty in the beauty of the steady red flow. His power in that the lava flow started at His cue, will go as He directs it and will stop when He tells it to. This knowledge filled me with irrepressible joy in knowing that He is The Almighty and He is in control.
-Tracy Sawada
-Tracy Sawada
My name is Linda Izumi and I am a living Testimony, I am a living Witness of the fact that GOD IS GOOD and HE will heal you and raise anyone from death’s door. I will proclaim and magnify HIS GREATNESS. I won’t let anyone or anything turn me around or separate me from HIS LOVE. I serve GOD and care for who HE sends my way…JESUS IS LORD! I BLESS HIS HOLY NAME!
-Linda Izumi
-Linda Izumi